Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A ride of snow and ice

Winter is here in the Chicagoland area, as I write this it's a nice balmy 12* outside with about an 2 inches of snow on the ground.

Perfect weather for riding! If you prepare yourself. Last winter I rode about 4 times on my trainer in the the garage, and by trainer a set of somewhat busted and taped rollers. I deceided riding outside was both more fun, challenging and building mental toughness. I still agree with that, while other are hanging up their bikes or slapping training slicks on, I trudge along getting my my short rides in.

That's the downside, I'm pretty limited in my time I have to ride anymore so the large majority of my rides take place on my lunch break at work. To make the best of this I ride one of my old Schwinns also less worried about breaking anything on a fall. They are built like tanks, 99% dependable and require minimal care.

I'm currently enjoying the wonders of riding a 3-speed, this fall I picked up my wife's grandparent's matched set of 1975 Schwinns (A Speedster and a Breeze). having fixed the Speedster up it's been my go to bike for the last month. The simplicity of a single speed, but the additional gearing I need around here to not bust my knees up.

I hope be able to update this more frequently with my short adventures and throughts for all 3 of you who read this.

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A ride of snow and ice